06 July 2010

awakening occurs, creativity sparks

It was Candice’s birthday today.  I did not expect this event to affect me the way that it did.  I remembered that I lost myself a little and I’m starting to find myself again.  I remembered that music can be a tonic to the soul…awakening occurs, creativity sparks.  Candice decided to have a creativity extravaganza of sorts in honor of her birthday.  She invited all of her friends to create works of art and craft to sell, as well as bake delicious confections to eat and observe and listen to great bands.  I did not think twice about this, I decided to go because for once I had nothing else planned.  A welcome relief…to be able to do as I please and go somewhere at my whim. I was most likely the oldest person present, but that was ok…the imagination of the “kids” present inspired me. 

The second band that played, Deadhorse, was instrumental.  What a novel idea!  No words!  Create your own thoughts about what the music is saying! I used to listen to instrumental music as a kid.  Yes, I was sometimes a strange child.  I would think up stories to go along with the songs, create worlds.  To this day I have trouble listening to music with words if I want to think, the lyrics distract me.  The music made me want to paint, write, sing, tell my sisters I love them.  It also made me reflect on freedom.  I know that sounds odd, but we have a lot of freedom here that we take for granted.  Freedom to create music with no threats of being squelched.  Visit impossiblemusic.org, you’ll see what I mean. 

Thank you God for the freedoms I have here where I live, and the freedom I have found in You.  Galatians 5:1 

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